Valve-Out Water Service Kit

SMP Valve-Out Water Service Kit

  • Flange Spreading, Flange Alignment, and Backup Wrenches available for 2” through 12” 150 Series flanges. (Larger sizes available upon request)
  • Titan flange alignment pins are the fastest safest and easiest way to line up flanged bolts. Simply insert and turn pins into any 2 bolt holes. Once the holes are completely aligned the Titan FATs can be slipped out with fingers. NO hammering required.
  • The Piper backup wrenches eliminate the need to use 2 wrenches to tighten nuts. The Piper functions like a second pair of hands.



SMP carries the best hands-free maintenance tools.

SMP offers the most complete line of flange alignment tools on the market.

SMP stocks the largest variety of pipe flange spreaders in the country.

Specifically designed to make Operations work safer and more efficiently.

Invaluable during your next big turnaround or maintenance project.

Safe, easy to use portable pipe lifter tools.